.. _c2_icon_ngc2009: Cycle 2 ICON 5km (ngc2009) ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Location on disc: :file:`/work/bm1235/k203123/experiments/ngc2009` Location of intake catalog: :file:`/home/k/k203123/NextGEMS_Cycle2.git/experiments/ngc2009/scripts/ngc2009.json` Grid file locations: * horizontal grid atm: :file:`/pool/data/ICON/grids/public/mpim/0015/icon_grid_0015_R02B09_G.nc` * horizontal grid ocean: :file:`/pool/data/ICON/grids/public/mpim/0016/icon_grid_0016_R02B09_O.nc` * vertical grid: :file:`/work/bm1235/k203123/experiments/ngc2009/run_20200120T000000-20200203T235920/ngc2009_atm_vgrid_ml.nc` Simulated period: 2 annual cycles 20 Jan 2020 to 1 Mar 2022 Resolution: * horizontal grid spacing of 5km (R02B09) for ocean and atmosphere, comprising 20971520 grid columns and 14886338 grid columns for the ocean * number of vertical levels for the atmosphere: 90 * number of vertical levels for the ocean: 128 Comments: * 2020 greenhouse gas and aerosol conditions * The data files :ref:`listed here ` were accidentally deleted .. toctree:: :hidden: ngc2009_missing_files