.. _ARPNH-DYAMOND-WINTER: ARPEGE-nh ======================================== **Provided by** Météo-France, FR Model description ----------------- ARPEGE-nh is the non-hydrostatic version of the Météo-France operational configuration that inherits features from both the ARPEGE/IFS global model and the AROME non-hydrostatic Local Area model. Experiment runs ----------------- ARPEGE-nh 2.5km atmosphere-only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location: :file:`/fastdata/ka1081/DYAMOND/data/winter_data/DYAMOND_WINTER/METEOFR/ARPEGE-NH-2km/DW-ATM/` with grid files contained in :file:`atmos/fx/` Setup: Atmosphere-only Resolution: * horizontal grid spacing of 2.5km, comprising 16848632 grid columns, with spectral truncation T8000 * number of vertical levels for the atmosphere: 75 Comments: * Similar the ARPEGENH 2.5km simulation for DYAMOND-Summer (see `Stevens et al. 2019 `__), but with an important improvement using microphysics from the LAM model AROME, specially tuned for high resolution non-hydrostatic modeling. Data description: :ref:`DYAMOND_WINTER-Models-ARPEGE-NH-2km` Contact Person: `Ludovic Auger `__ See also --------