.. _intake-search_yaml-command-line: Searching catalog metadata with search_yaml =========================================== Intake catalogs can contain metadata information about their entries. To search for this, you can use :code:`search_yaml`. To load :code:`search_yaml`, use .. code:: bash module use /work/k20200/k202134/hsm-tools/outtake/module module load hsm-tools/unstable :code:`search_yaml` allows you to search for metadata in the catalogs. A simple search would be: .. code:: bash search_yaml FESOM -s variable-long_names=temp IFS_4.4-FESOM_5-cycle3.2D_1h_1deg {'variable-long_names': ['sea surface temperature']} IFS_4.4-FESOM_5-cycle3.2D_1h_native {'variable-long_names': ['sea surface temperature']} IFS_4.4-FESOM_5-cycle3.3D_3h_native {'variable-long_names': ['temperature']} [...] Or .. code:: bash search_yaml ICON -s variables=ta ngc4008 {'variables': ['FrshFlux_TotalIce', 'atmos_fluxes_FrshFlux_Precipitation', 'atmos_fluxes_HeatFlux_Total', 'heat_content_total', 'ta', 'tas', 'tauu', 'tauv']} ngc4007 {'variables': ['FrshFlux_TotalIce', 'atmos_fluxes_FrshFlux_Precipitation', 'atmos_fluxes_HeatFlux_Total', 'heat_content_total', 'ta', 'tas', 'tauu', 'tauv']} [...] Use a bogus key-value pair to get a list of all metadata attributes that are attached to some dataset: .. code:: bash search_yaml ICON -s abc=def ERROR:root:Found no metadata key matching abc ERROR:root:Possible keys: ERROR:root: CDI CDI_grid_type CDO Conventions DOKU_License DOKU_Name DOKU_authors [...] Use :code:`-s KEY=.*` to get all matches for this key. .. code:: bash search_yaml ICON -s project=.* ngc4008 {'project': ['nextGEMS']} ngc4007 {'project': ['nextGEMS']} ngc4006 {'project': ['nextGEMS']} ngc4005 {'project': ['nextGEMS']} ngc3028 {'project': ['nextGEMS']} ngc3028_bc_land {'project': ['nextGEMS']} ngc3026_WILL_BE_DELETED {'project': ['nextGEMS']} HAMOCC.HEALPix {'project': ['nextGEMS']} HAMOCC.OneDegree {'project': ['nextGEMS']} erc1011.atmos.gr025.2d_daily_max {'project': ['EERIE']} erc1011.atmos.gr025.2d_daily_mean {'project': ['EERIE']} [...]