def find_grids(dataset):
"""Generic ICON Grid locator
This function checks an xarray dataset for attributes that contain "grid_file_uri", and checks if it can map them to a local path.
It also checks for "grid_file_name"
It returns a list of paths on disk that are readable (os.access(x, os.R_OK)).
uris = [
dataset.attrs[x] for x in dataset.attrs if "grid_file_uri" in x
] # this thing might come in one of various names...
search_paths = [
re.sub("", "/pool/data/ICON", x)
for x in uris
] + [
os.path.basename(x) for x in uris
] # plausible mappings on mistral.
if "grid_file_path" in dataset.attrs:
) # also check the current dir.
paths = [
x for x in search_paths if (os.access(x, os.R_OK))
] # remove things that don't exist.
if not paths:
message = "Could not determine grid file!"
if search_paths:
message = message + "\nI looked in\n" + "\n".join(search_paths)
if uris:
message = message + (
"\nPlease check %s for a possible grid file" % (" or ").join(uris)
raise Exception(message)
if len(set(paths)) > 1:
"Found multiple conflicting grid files. Using the first one.",
print("Files found:", file=sys.stderr)
print("\n".join(paths), file=sys.stderr)
return paths
def add_grid(dataset):
"""Generic icon grid adder.
Calls find_grids to locate a grid file, and - if it finds one - adds this grid file to a Dataset.
also tries to ensure that clon has the same dimensions as the data variables.
paths = find_grids(dataset)
grid = xr.open_dataset(paths[0])
rename = (
) # icon uses different dimension names in the output than in the grid file. (whyever...)
if "ncells" in dataset.dims:
grid_ncells = grid.clon.dims[0]
rename = {grid_ncells: "ncells"}
drops = set(
[x for x in grid.coords if x in dataset.data_vars or x in dataset.coords]
+ [x for x in grid.data_vars if x in dataset.data_vars or x in dataset.coords]
return xr.merge((dataset.drop(drops), grid.rename(rename)))