Cycle 2 ICON 10 km (ngc2013)#
- Location on disc:
- Location of intake catalog:
You can find a detailed list of all output variables here.
- Grid file locations:
horizontal grid atm:
horizontal grid ocean:
vertical grid:
- Simulated period:
30 annual cycles starting 20 Jan 2020
- Resolution:
horizontal grid spacing of 10km (R02B08) for ocean and atmosphere
number of vertical levels for the atmosphere: 90
number of vertical levels for the ocean: 128
- Comments:
fixed 2020 forcing (GHG, aerosol, ozone, solar radiation)
~2m layer thickness in upper 20m ocean
has a twin experiment called rthk001 that differs only by having thicker layers (~10m layer thickness) in the upper 20m ocean
simple examples on how to deal with model output can be found here