Cycle 2 IFS 4 km (tco2559-ng5)#

Location on disc:


Location of intake catalog:

Grid file locations:
  • horizontal grid atm: /work/bm1235/a270046/cycle2-sync/tcogrids/4km/tcogrids

  • horizontal grid ocean: /work/bm1235/a270046/meshes/

  • horizontal grid ocean (velocities): /work/bm1235/a270046/meshes/

  • horizontal grid waves: please load the data with Python from the catalog and export the grid from there if needed

  • vertical grid:

Simulated period:

20/01/2020 - 31/12/2020

  • horizontal grid spacing of about 4 km in the atmosphere and about 5 km in the ocean

  • number of vertical levels for the atmosphere: 137 model levels (only 23 pressure levels in output)

  • number of vertical levels for the ocean: 69 (all in 3D output)

Pre-processed 1x1deg regridded monthly means at:


High-frequency output (every model timestep) at 30 selected points at:


Pre-processed 5400x2700 regridded selected IFS variables in netCDF and .png (Appetizer):


Pre-processed 5400x2700 regridded selected FESOM2 variables in netCDF and .png:


Animations of selected variables:


This simulation has also hourly wave model output, raw data available at: /work/bm1235/a270046/cycle2-sync/tco2559-ng5/wam_output