Provided by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), USA

Model description#

The Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model (SCREAM) is a non-hydrostatic, spectral element atmospheric model that discretizes the globe on a cubed sphere. Details of the components that comprise the model can be found in Caldwell et al. (2021) and at our documentation page

Experiment runs#

SCREAM 3.0km atmosphere-only#



containing the grid file atmos/fx/gn/


Atmosphere-only, with land model from E3SMv1 and prescribed SST and sea ice

  • The horizontal grid for dynamics is a cubed-sphere grid with 1024 spectral elements to a face, denoted ne1024. Within each element, fields are represented by degree 3 polynomials, using nodal values on a 4x4 grid of Gauss-Lobatto-Lengdre (GLL) nodes. The edge and corner nodes are shared by adjacent elements, resulting in an average spacing between GLL nodes of ~3.25 km. Physical parameterizations are computed on a uniformly spaced 2x2 physics grid within each spectral element to avoid the nonuniform spacing of the GLL nodes. All output variables are on this physics grid.

  • In the vertical, SCREAM has a 128 layer grid with the model top at 40km (2.25 hPa) and a sponge layer in the top 14 layers.

  • The land model for this simulation is taken from E3SMv1 and run at 1/8 degree.

  • Prescribed SST and sea ice are applied on the ocean grid from Caldwell et al (2019) , which has 18 km grid spacing in the tropics tapering to 6 km spacing near the poles.

  • The experiment run with a 75 second coupling timestep across model components and the radiation scheme was run every 5 min. Each one of the schemes had their own timesteps, pleas see Caldwell et al. (2021) .

  • Detailed description of the experiment, the model setup and observations for evaluations are given in Caldwell et al. (2021) .

Data description:


Contact person:

Peter Caldwell (LLNL) and Christopher Terai (LLNL)

See also#