Model description#

ARPEGE-NH is the non-hydrostatic version of the Météo-France operational configuration that inherits features from both the ARPEGE/IFS global model and the AROME non-hydrostatic Local Area model.


Ludovic Auger, Météo-France, FR

Data structure#


On the vertical, ARPEGE-NH uses a terrain following a hybrid pressure-based formulation with 75 levels. The first level is at 17m above ground at sea level. The microphysical scheme uses 5 water species (rain, snow, cloud ice, cloud water, graupel).


The ARPEGE-NH configuration uses a Gaussian reduced grid with the truncation T8000 in spectral space, that means that the corresponding horizontal grid has a 2.5km resolution. The maximum slope of the orography is 49° and the maximum altitude is 8200m.

Data access#

Initialisation and Boundary conditions#

Soil Initialisation#

Soil analysis from the IFS has been used as a daily update of the soil variables.

Input Data#

The provided atmospheric initial condition has been used (data from IFS valid for 01 Aug 2016).

Treatment of SST and Sea Ice#

See also