nextGEMS Cycle 3#
The nextGEMS Cycle 3 simulations build up on the Cycle 1 and 2 simulations for both models, IFS/FESOM and ICON. They include improvements in the configuration (new schemes and features) and some changes in the output. The simulations will be analyzed during the Cycle 3 hackathon in Madrid in May/June 2023.
All Cycle 3 simulations can be accessed through this intake catalog:
import intake
cat = intake.open_catalog("")
- What’s new in Cycle 3?
- Output:
The output is now written on the HEALPix grid. For details and tipps on processing see here: Hierarchical HEALPix output
- There is a hierarchy of frequencies with half-hourly (PT30M), 3-hourly (PT3H), and daily (P1D) output fields.
half-hourly output contains 2D fields of atmosphere and land
3-hourly ouptut contains additional 3D atmospheric and land fields
daily output contains additional oceanic fields.
- Ocean:
- New ocean vertical mixing parameter settings
Reduction of c_k parameter from 0.2 to 0.1 (because this improves the equatorial Atlantic zonal SST gradient)
Additional Langmuir turbulence parameterisation in TKE scheme switched on (because this very slightly deepens the too shallow mixed layer)
activated coupling of sea level pressure (in Cycle 2, this was erroneously not done for the ocean, only for sea ice)
new spinup with the above changes, otherwise same spinup procedure as in Cycle 2 (e.g. with SST nudging)
ocean time step increased
- Atmosphere:
fix in sensible heat flux over ocean and sea ice
energy fix in microphysics
horizontal tracer advection set to miura (2nd order, linear reconstruction) with subcycling for all tracers
mixed precision (single precision in parts of the dynamical core)
- Land:
use land heat capacity/conductivity maps
extpar soil texture in hydrology
- Simulations:
ngc3028 (5 years, coupled, 5km horizontal resolution)
HAMOCC (bonus simulation for the Fisheries topic at the Cycle 3 Hackathon; ocean-only, 10km horizontal resolution, includes ocean biogeochemistry)
- What’s new in Cycle 3?
- Based on IFS cycle 48r1, a general overview of 48r1 modifications with respect to the previous IFS Cycle 47r3 can be found here: New features are for example:
a radiatively interactive prognostic ozone using new HLO scheme
a new precipitation category: freezing drizzle
a revised computation of Semi-Lagrangian advection departure points
a new model top sponge layer formulation and semi-Lagrangian vertical filter
- On top of a significantly reduced global water and energy imbalance that was already available in cycle 2, the TOA radiation imbalance has been tuned by:
a decrease of a threshold that limits the minimum size of ice effective radius, increasing high clouds in the tropics and therefore reducing outgoing longwave radiation
a reduction of cloud edge erosion, increasing low-level cloud amount and therefore reducing TOA net shortwave radiation
a reduction of the cloud inhomogeneity, which increases low-level cloud amount as it reduces the rate of accretion. This change is in line with nextGEMS’s km-scale resolutions as cloud inhomogeneity is expected to be smaller at high resolutions
a change restricting the detrainment of mid-level convection to the liquid phase in most situations
in agreement with nextGEMS Cycle 2 but unlike in the operational IFS, linear rather than cubic interpolation is used for the departure point interpolation of the Semi-Lagrangian advection scheme for all moist species except water vapour
a modification of the microphysics for rain and snow evaporation.
At the highest resolution (4.4 km), instead of switching the deep convection scheme off completely, its activity is strongly reduced (the cloud base mass flux is reduced by a factor of 5 compared to the default value). This results in a realistic PDF of intense precipitation.
- Surface-atmosphere interaction upgrades:
An active urban scheme for the first time in IFS-nextGEMS (
Modified parameters for snow density ( ) and soil freezing ( for snow-permafrost improvements.
An improved postprocessing of 2 meter temperature reducing the warm bias present ocasionally under very stable conditions (similar to
- A new set of ancillary fields for the surface (climate.v021). The new components in the ancillay fields are:
Land Use Land Cover based on ESA-CCI. The new Land Use/Land Cover maps, among other changes, removes or reduces the extension of ambiguous high vegetation types (e.g. interrupted forest, mixed forest, sparse vegetation) and increases the extent of short grass. It also reduces the high vegetation cover and increases the low vegetation cover globally.
Leaf Area Index monthly climatology based on GCLS
New Ocean Bathymetry based on GEBCO2021
- In the FESOM ocean model:
- Science changes:
Coupling of ocean surface currents
More consistent ocean heat flux setting (cooler Southern Ocean)
Snow takes heat from the ocean in order to melt when falling into it (cooler Southern Ocean)
More consistent heat flux into the ice (shortwave fix)
- Technical changes:
multi-field coupling, reducing a bottleneck
Added extra ocean variables (MLD, SST, sea ice conc, ocean currents, 300m-averaged T, S, and depth of 20C isotherm, ..) that are available on IFS grid with its GRIB code.
Added 3-hourly upper 300m of 3D model levels to better match the Storms & Ocean data request
For a complete overview see FESOM/fesom2
- High-frequency model output (‘DDH’):
We do not provide the DDH output in Cycle 3 anymore.
- the OUTPUT: all IFS output has been processed on-the-fly by multIO and written to a local FDB. This means that the output either needs to be retrieved with FDB tools or with gribscan. The gribscan approach is reccommended. We are able to provide multiple forms of processed output:
- On the original grid, we provide hourly output of all 2D variables and 6-hourly output of 3D fields on pressure levels (700, 750, 800, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975, 1000 hPa). Some selected 3D variables are provided hourly on certain pressure levels:
vertical velocity (both in Pa/s and m/s) at 500 hPa and 850 hPa
horizontal velocity u and v on 850 hPa
temperature at 700 hPa
geopotential at 300, 500 and 850 hPa
The same output is also conservatively interpolated to two coarser grids, a 0.25°x0.25° grid and a 1°x1° grid. On these coarser grids, the 3D fields are available on the full range of pressure levels (1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975, 1000 hPa).
For all 2D and 3D variables, monthly means are provided, both on the original grid and on the coarser grids, in both cases providing the full range of pressure levels.
For some selected runs in Cycle 3 (see below), Cama-Flood has been run a-posteriori with hourly coupling to provide river discharge and flooded area. CaMa-Flood (Yamazaki et al., 2011; 2013; 2014) is designed to simulate the hydrodynamics in continental-scale rivers. The entire river networks of the world are discretized to the hydrological units named unit-catchments for achieving efficient flow computation at the global scale. The water level and flooded area are diagnosed from the water storage at each unit-catchment using the sub-grid topographic parameters of the river channel and floodplains. The intended outputs are forecasted river discharge/inundation over the same time period. CaMa-Flood is a river routing scheme, that takes runoff components and precipitation over lakes and routes this to and through rivers. All runs compute river discharge using local inertia.
- The IFS model in combination with the FESOM and NEMO ocean models was run in 5 different configurations for Cycle 3:
IFS_4.4-FESOM_5-cycle3: The main cycle 3 simulation. 5 years and highest-resolved simulation with atmosphere at ~4.4 km (IFS) coupled to ~5 km ocean (FESOM); Deep convection parameterization ON with 1/5 cloud base mass flux. Variable lists: FESOM, IFS.
IFS_9-FESOM_5-cycle3: 1 year with atmosphere at ~9 km (IFS) coupled to ~5 km ocean (FESOM); Deep convection parameterization ON. Variable lists: FESOM, IFS.
IFS_9-NEMO_25-cycle3: 5 years with atmosphere at ~9 km (IFS) coupled to 0.25° ocean (NEMO); Deep convection parameterization ON
IFS_28-FESOM_25-cycle3: 5 years with atmosphere at ~28 km (IFS) coupled to 0.25° ocean (FESOM); Deep convection parameterization ON. Variable lists: FESOM, IFS.
IFS_28-NEMO_25-cycle3: 5 years with atmosphere at ~28 km (IFS) coupled to 0.25° ocean (NEMO); Deep convection parameterization ON
We also provide FESOM stand alone age Tracer Experiment. This simulation was conducted using the setup and mesh derived from sensitivity experiments associated with vertical mixing schemes in the tropics. The model mesh employed a resolution of 13 km in the tropical Atlantic and approximately 50 km in the remaining ocean regions. Starts from PHC3 climatology in 2015, and initial age data from CESM2 run on ERDA. Forced by hourly ERA5 data. Output for 2020 available with 3hour time step in two different grid (only interpolated): Interpolated to regular grid with 0.1degree spacing for region lon(-60, 15), lat(-9.95, 29.95), covering the uppermost 2000 meters of the ocean. Interpolated to regular grid with 0.5 degree encompassing the entire ocean. Variable list: FESOM.
Cama-Flood output exists for simulations IFS_9-NEMO_25-cycle3 and IFS_28-NEMO_25-cycle3, where Cama-Flood has been run on a regular lat-lon grid of 15 arcmin (=0.25 degrees) and 6 arcmin (=0.1 degrees), respectively.
Yamazaki, D., S. Kanae, H. Kim, and T. Oki (2011), A physically-based description of floodplain inundation dynamics in a global river routing model. Water Resour. Res. 47, W04501, doi:10.1029/2010WR009726.
Yamazaki, D., G. A. M. de Almeida, and P. D. Bates (2013), Improving computational efficiency in global river models by implementing the local inertial flow equation and a vector-based river network map, Water Resources Research, published online.
Yamazaki, D., T. Sato, S. Kanae, Y. Hirabayashi, and P. D. Bates (2014a), Regional fl ood dynamics in a bifurcating mega delta simulated in a global river model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL059744.